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Links for 2018-10-01

  • Amazon S3 Announces Selective Cross-Region Replication Based on Object Tags

    Amazon S3 Cross-Region Replication (CRR) now supports object filtering based on S3 object tags. This allows you to identify individual objects using S3 object tags for automatic replication across AWS Regions for compliance and/or data protection. CRR is an Amazon S3 feature that automatically replicates every object uploaded to an S3 bucket to a destination bucket in a different AWS Region that you choose. S3 object tags are key-value pairs applied to S3 objects that allow you to better organize, secure, and manage your data stored in S3. By using S3 object tags to determine which objects to replicate using CRR, you now have fine grained control to selectively replicate your storage to another AWS Region to backup critical data for compliance and disaster recovery.

    (tags: aws s3)