Epic shouty thread about modern Silicon Valley software products.
We know that no company, regardless of size, can be trusted with this information. We KNOW it will not stay private, our photos of our partners genitals and tax documents will become public either deliberately or accidentally. We know that any company that tries to buck this trend can’t be trusted, and even if they are completely, absolutely transparent, it doesn’t matter because we will wake up one day to discover they were purchased at 2 AM and the data transfer /already started/ We represent billions in revenue but they hold our info in escrow and that means we don’t have enough money to buy their loyalty, because a business considers business money more real than person money.
(tags: money funding capitalism silicon-valley internet web google facebook banks banking)
The American Chopper meme, explained – Vox
“Maybe we should have been blogging in dialectics all along”
(tags: memes american-chopper dialectics academia discussion plato dialogue)