airlift/aircompressor: A port of Snappy, LZO and LZ4 to Java
This library contains implementations of LZ4, Snappy, and LZO written in pure Java. They are typically 10-40% faster than the JNI wrapper for the native libraries.
(tags: lz4 lzo lzop snappy java libraries airlift compression performance)
Playboy is suing Boing Boing – but linking is not copyright infringement
Boing Boing linked to a an imgur archive of all Playboy centerfolds, and Playboy is suing them:
Playboy’s lawsuit is based on an imaginary (and dangerous) version of US copyright law that bears no connection to any US statute or precedent. Playboy — once legendary champions for the First Amendment — now advances a fringe copyright theory: that it is illegal to link to things other people have posted on the web, on pain of millions in damages — the kinds of sums that would put us (and every other small publisher in America) out of business.
(tags: intellectual-property copyright playboy boing-boing centerfolds porn history linking web)