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Links for 2018-01-29

  • Key metrics for RabbitMQ monitoring

    Good suggestions from Datadog

    (tags: rabbitmq mq monitoring metrics graphite ops)

  • Amazing thread from @gavinsblog on the Strava leak

    ‘This often led to the same results you see with Strava. In low population countries, or countries with low smartphone penetration, it was often easy to detect Westerners (usually soldiers) in remote areas. this usually led to being able to identify bases and other types of things based solely on social data. Iraq, Afghanistan = always easy to find US troops (Instagram being a common sharing tool). Same true of IDF troops in staging areas before invasion of Gaza in 2014. and the same true in 2014 with Russian troops in Ukraine. All too easy. Of course the other thing you might be nosey about [is] known military facilities. Social geotagging can give you staff/visitor lists if you persist long enough. the difference between this technique and Strava was you could usually quickly deduce first name/last name if you wanted, and infer other social profiles eg LinkedIn -> FB -> FB friends -> work colleagues. Not only that but it was possible to automate.’

    (tags: strava privacy military security geotagging geodata gavin-sheridan)

  • My £300 32Amp Charging Station Install

    good writeup of a DIY EV car charger install

    (tags: ev cars diy car-chargers home)