Remote Code Execution on the Smiths Medical Medfusion 4000 Infusion Pump
‘Between March and June of 2017 I spent around 400 hours of personal time analyzing the Smiths Medical Medfusion 4000 infusion pump for security vulnerabilities. The devices analyzed had software versions 1.1.2 and 1.5.0. The flaws discovered (the most critical of which was a DHCP buffer overflow in the MQX operating system used) were disclosed in a coordinated fashion and are detailed by ICS-CERT in ICSMA-250-02A and CERT in VU#590639. The goal of this exercise was to help protect patients that rely on therapy provided by the pump, to raise awareness of the risk present in unpatched versions of the device, and, finally, to contribute to the corpus of embedded/IoT security research.’
(tags: medical infusion-pumps security iot safety exploits embedded-systems reversing)
Writeup of one of the classic tape loaders used on the ZX Spectrum, both for fast loading and piracy protection
(tags: piracy reverse-engineering history zx-spectrum tape loaders gremlin)