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Links for 2018-01-11

  • [1801.02780] Rogue Signs: Deceiving Traffic Sign Recognition with Malicious Ads and Logos

    Well, so much for that idea.

    We propose a new real-world attack against the computer vision based systems of autonomous vehicles (AVs). Our novel Sign Embedding attack exploits the concept of adversarial examples to modify innocuous signs and advertisements in the environment such that they are classified as the adversary’s desired traffic sign with high confidence. Our attack greatly expands the scope of the threat posed to AVs since adversaries are no longer restricted to just modifying existing traffic signs as in previous work. Our attack pipeline generates adversarial samples which are robust to the environmental conditions and noisy image transformations present in the physical world. We ensure this by including a variety of possible image transformations in the optimization problem used to generate adversarial samples. We verify the robustness of the adversarial samples by printing them out and carrying out drive-by tests simulating the conditions under which image capture would occur in a real-world scenario. We experimented with physical attack samples for different distances, lighting conditions, and camera angles. In addition, extensive evaluations were carried out in the virtual setting for a variety of image transformations. The adversarial samples generated using our method have adversarial success rates in excess of 95% in the physical as well as virtual settings.

    (tags: signs road-safety roads traffic self-driving-cars cars avs security machine-learning computer-vision ai)

  • The Stress of Remote Working – Martin De Wulf – Medium

    There is a lot of good to say about remote working, and I see a lot of rabid defence of the practice. That said, I have been working remotely for a little more than 5 years now, and I now must acknowledge that it does not come without stress. This might come as a surprise for some, but in the end, I think that remote working has taken some toll on me over the last two years, especially when I went almost fully remote for a year.
    I have to say, I agree with this 100% — I spent a few years remote working full time, and by the end of it I was absolutely delighted to return to a mainly office-based job.

    (tags: business work life coding teleworking remote-work stress anxiety mental-health)

  • Best way designing a GDPR compliant datalake using AWS services : aws

    interesting thread at Reddit

    (tags: gdpr reddit aws tips design services ops)