SECURITY ALERT – Critical bug in Parity’s MultiSig-Wallet
‘Together, we were able to determine that malicious actors had exploited a flaw in the Parity Multisig code, which allowed a known party to steal over 153,000 ETH from several projects including Edgeless Casino, Aeternity, and Swarm City.’ by leaving “internal” (a visibility restricting keyword) off of the wallet contract, it was possible for attackers to steal millions from a “secure” multi-sig wallet in Ethereum: : ‘Time from “OMFG there is a bug” to “geez, someone steal $16M”? 2 hours. Gotta love JavaScript FunBukx, err Ethereum’ provide non standard time · Issue #437 · systemd/systemd
Google ask systemd not to use due to nonstandard ticking behaviour; systemd dev tells them to FO. lovely
Another systemd shitfest; 69 seconds to view the current boot log from a cold cache.
(tags: systemd systemdsucks logs fail bugs journald logging)
‘AP Placement – A Job For the Work Experience Kid? | Scott Stapleton | WLPC EU Budapest 2016’