[LEGAL-303] ASF, RocksDB, and Facebook’s BSD+patent grant licensing
Facebook’s licensing includes a “nuclear option” if a user acts in a way interpreted by Facebook as competing with them; the ASF has marked the license as “Category-X”, and may not be included in Apache projects as a result. Looks like RocksDB are going to relicense as dual GPLv2/ASL2 to clear this up, but React.js has not shown any plans to do so yet
(tags: react rocksdb licensing asl2 apache asf facebook open-source patents)
Will the last person at Basho please turn out the lights? • The Register
Basho, once a rising star of the NoSQL database world, has faded away to almost nothing […] According to sources, the company, which developed the Riak distributed database, has been shedding engineers for months, and is now operating as a shadow of its former self, as at least one buy-out has fallen through.
Developer Experience Lessons Operating a Serverless-like Platform at Netflix
Very interesting writeup on how Netflix are finding operating a serverless scripting system; they offer scriptability in their backend and it’s used heavily by devs to provide features. Lots of having to reinvent the wheel on packaging, deployment, versioning, and test/staging infrastructure
(tags: serverless dependencies packaging deployment versioning devex netflix developer-experience dev testing staging scripting)
OVH suffer 24-hour outage (The Register)
Choice quotes: ‘At 6:48pm, Thursday, June 29, in Room 3 of the P19 datacenter, due to a crack on a soft plastic pipe in our water-cooling system, a coolant leak causes fluid to enter the system’; ‘This process had been tested in principle but not at a 50,000-website scale’
(tags: postmortems ovh outages liquid-cooling datacenters dr disaster-recovery ops)