extremely detailed walkthrough
(tags: iphone travel security apple ios mobile burner-phones)
How eBay’s Shopping Cart used compression techniques to solve network I/O bottlenecks
compressing data written to MongoDB using LZ4_HIGH –dropped oplog write rates from 150GB/hour to 11GB/hour. Snappy and Gzip didn’t fare too well by comparison
(tags: lz4 compression gzip json snappy scaling ebay mongodb)
Parable of the Polygons – a playable post on the shape of society
Our cute segregation sim is based off the work of Nobel Prize-winning game theorist, Thomas Schelling. Specifically, his 1971 paper, Dynamic Models of Segregation. We built on top of this, and showed how a small demand for diversity can desegregate a neighborhood. In other words, we gave his model a happy ending.
(tags: games society visualization diversity racism bias thomas-schelling segregation)
could be ordered by mail and built by a single carpenter. Pretty cool
(tags: architecture history housing us kit-houses mail-order houses)