Simple Queue Service FIFO Queues with Exactly-Once Processing & Deduplication
great, I’ve looked for this so many times. Only tricky limit I can spot is the 300 tps limit, and it’s US-East/US-West only for now
“Get In Control Of Your Workflows With Airflow”
good intro to Airflow usage preso
(tags: airflow presentations ops workflow scheduling scheduler)
Etsy Debriefing Facilitation Guide
by John Allspaw, Morgan Evans and Daniel Schauenberg; the Etsy blameless postmortem style crystallized into a detailed 27-page PDF ebook
(tags: etsy postmortems blameless ops production debriefing ebooks)
‘bike-shedding’, or needless arguing about trivial issues, actually dates back to 1957 as C. Northcote Parkinson’s ‘law of triviality’
(tags: triviality bikeshed bikeshedding management arguments decisions history)