Julia Evans reverse engineers Skyliner.io
simple usage of Docker, blue/green deploys, and AWS ALBs
(tags: docker alb aws ec2 blue-green-deploys deployment ops tools skyliner via:jgilbert)
IPBill ICRs are the perfect material for 21st-century blackmail
ICRs are the perfect material for blackmail, which makes them valuable in a way that traditional telephone records are not. And where potentially large sums of money are involved, corruption is sure to follow. Even if ICR databases are secured with the best available technology, they are still vulnerable to subversion by individuals whose jobs give them ready access. This is no theoretical risk. Just one day ago, it emerged that corrupt insiders at offshore call centres used by Australian telecoms were offering to sell phone records, home addresses, and other private details of customers. Significantly, the price requested was more if the target was an Australian “VIP, politician, police [or] celebrity.”
(tags: blackmail privacy uk-politics uk snooping surveillance icrs australia phone-records)