J1 2015 “Debugging Java Apps in Containers: No Heavy Welding Gear Required”
Some good slides with tips on running java apps in production in Docker
(tags: java docker ops containers)
Algorithmic management as the new Taylorism
‘its legacy can be seen in factories, call centres and warehouses today, although new technology has taken the place of Taylor’s instruction cards and stopwatches. Many warehouse workers for companies such as Amazon use handheld devices that give them step-by-step instructions on where to walk and what to pick from the shelves when they get there, all the while measuring their “pick rate” in real time. For Jeremias Prassl, a law professor at Oxford university, the algorithmic management techniques of Uber and Deliveroo are Taylorism 2.0. “Algorithms are providing a degree of control and oversight that even the most hardened Taylorists could never have dreamt of,” he says.’
(tags: algorithms labour work labor taylorism management silicon-valley tech deliveroo uber piece-work)
[Cryptography] Bridge hand record generator cracked
‘How to cheat at Bridge by breaking the tournament card-dealing random number generator’, via Tony Finch
(tags: crypto security rngs prngs random bridge cards via:fanf)