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Links for 2016-08-16

  • The Mattress Industry is One Big Scam

    yes, yes it is

    (tags: mattresses scams buying shopping consumer)

  • Unchecked exceptions for IO considered harmful – Google Groups

    Insightful thread from the mechanical sympathy group, regarding the checked-vs-unchecked style question:

    Peter Lawrey: Our view is that Checked Exception makes more sense for library writers as they can explicitly pass off errors to the caller. As a caller, especially if you are new to a product, you don’t understand the exceptions or what you can do about them.  They add confusion. For this reason we use checked exceptions internally in the lower layers and try to avoid passing them in our higher level interfaces. Note: A high percentage of our fall backs are handling iOExceptons and recovering from them. [….] My experience is that the more complex and layered your libraries the more essential checked exceptions become. I see them as essential for scalability of your software.

    (tags: exceptions java style coding checked-exceptions ioexceptions io error-handling)