Cross-Region Read Replicas for Amazon Aurora
Creating a read replica in another region also creates an Aurora cluster in the region. This cluster can contain up to 15 more read replicas, with very low replication lag (typically less than 20 ms) within the region (between regions, latency will vary based on the distance between the source and target). You can use this model to duplicate your cluster and read replica setup across regions for disaster recovery. In the event of a regional disruption, you can promote the cross-region replica to be the master. This will allow you to minimize downtime for your cross-region application. This feature applies to unencrypted Aurora clusters.
(tags: aws mysql databases storage replication cross-region failover reliability aurora)
Advanced Airflow (Lesson 1) : TriggerDagRunOperator
good intro to some Airflow concepts
Finding pearls; fuzzing ClamAV
great how-to for practical scanner fuzz testing
(tags: fuzz-testing clamav scanners security vulnerabilities testing)