Easy way to log all queries in mysql without restart
thanks StackOverflow!
(tags: stackoverflow mysql rds logging ops)
Rendezvous hashing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rendezvous or Highest Random Weight (HRW) hashing[1][2] is an algorithm that allows clients to achieve distributed agreement on a set of k options out of a possible set of n options. A typical application is when clients need to agree on which sites (or proxies) objects are to assigned to. When k is 1, it subsumes the goals of consistent hashing, using an entirely different method.
(tags: hrw hashing hashes consistent-hashing rendezvous-hashing algorithms discovery distributed-computing)
Open Sourcing Dr. Elephant: Self-Serve Performance Tuning for Hadoop and Spark
[LinkedIn] are proud to announce today that we are open sourcing Dr. Elephant, a powerful tool that helps users of Hadoop and Spark understand, analyze, and improve the performance of their flows.
neat, although I’ve been bitten too many times by LinkedIn OSS release quality at this point to jump in….Improving Our Engineering Interview Process
Foursquare on hiring. ‘we forgo technical phone interviews whenever possible. They’re typically unpleasant for everyone involved and we felt like the environment of a phone screen wasn’t conducive to learning about a candidate’s abilities comprehensively. Instead we give out a take-home exercise that takes about three hours.’
(tags: hiring interviewing foursquare hr phone-screens tech jobs)