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Links for 2016-03-27

  • Jenkins 2.0

    built-in support for CI/CD deployment pipelines, driven from a checked-in DSL file. great stuff, very glad to see them going this direction. (via Eric)

    (tags: via:eric jenkins ci cd deployment pipelines testing automation build)

  • Hey Microsoft, the Internet Made My Bot Racist, Too

    All machine learning algorithms strive to exaggerate and perpetuate the past. That is, after all, what they are learning from. The fundamental assumption of every machine learning algorithm is that the past is correct, and anything coming in the future will be, and should be, like the past. This is a fine assumption to make when you are Netflix trying to predict what movie you’ll like, but is immoral when applied to many other situations. For bots like mine and Microsoft’s, built for entertainment purposes, it can lead to embarrassment. But AI has started to be used in much more meaningful ways: predictive policing in Chicago, for example, has already led to widespread accusations of racial profiling. This isn’t a little problem. This is a huge problem, and it demands a lot more attention then it’s getting now, particularly in the community of scientists and engineers who design and apply these algorithms. It’s one thing to get cursed out by an AI, but wholly another when one puts you in jail, denies you a mortgage, or decides to audit you.

    (tags: machine-learning ml algorithms future society microsoft)