Distribution of people’s PIN codes, as a heatmap
Excellent use of a heatmap
(tags: security datavis pins passwords date-of-birth birthday atms banking)
Conversant ConcurrentQueue and Disruptor BlockingQueue
‘Disruptor is the highest performing intra-thread transfer mechanism available in Java. Conversant Disruptor is the highest performing implementation of this type of ring buffer queue because it has almost no overhead and it exploits a particularly simple design. Conversant has been using this in production since 2012 and the performance is excellent. The BlockingQueue implementation is very stable, although we continue to tune and improve it. The latest release, 1.2.4, is 100% production ready. Although we have been working on it for a long time, we decided to open source our BlockingQueue this year to contribute something back to the community. … its a drop in for BlockingQueue, so its a very easy test. Conversant Disruptor will crush ArrayBlockingQueue and LinkedTransferQueue for thread to thread transfers. In our system, we noticed a 10-20% reduction in overall system load and latency when we introduced it.’
(tags: disruptor blocking-queues queues queueing data-structures algorithms java conversant concurrency performance)
TeleGeography Submarine Cable Map 2015
Gorgeously-illustrated retro map of modern-day submarine cables. Prints available for $150 (via Conor Delaney)
(tags: via:conor-delaney data internet maps cables world telegeography mapping retro)
UK banks are getting press for evading liability and screwing the customer when scams and phishing occur
(tags: scams phishing uk banking banks liability terms-and-conditions barclays)
Nice approach from MongoDB:
we’ve recently gained momentum on standardizing our [cross-platform test] drivers. Human-readable, machine-testable specs, coded in YAML, prove which code conforms and which does not. These YAML tests are the Cat-Herd’s Crook: a tool to guide us all in the same direction.
(tags: mongodb testing unit-tests yaml multi-platform coding)
There’s Something Fishy About The Other Nefertiti
The last possibility and reigning theory is that Ms. Badri and Mr. Nelles elusive hacker partners are literally real hackers who stole a copy of the high resolution scan from the Museum’s servers. A high resolution scan must exist as a high res 3D printed replica is already available for sale online. Museum officials have dismissed the Other Nefertiti model as “of minor quality”, but that’s not what we are seeing in this highly detailed scan. Perhaps the file was obtained from someone involved in printing the reproduction, or it was a scan made of the reproduction? Indeed, the common belief in online 3D Printing community chatter is that the Kinect “story” is a fabrication to hide the fact that the model was actually stolen data from a commercial high quality scan. If the artists were behind a server hack, the legal ramifications for them are much more serious than scanning the object, which has few, if any legal precedents.
(tags: art history 3d-printing 3d nefertiti heists copyright data kinect)
Amaro 101: An Introduction to Italian Amari
some nice-sounding cocktail recipes for these tasty bitters