“So you have a mess on your hands” [png]
Excellent flowchart of how to fix common git screwups (via ITC slack)
(tags: git reference flowchart troubleshooting help coding via:itc)
Journalists, this GSOC story isn’t all about you, you know
Karlin Lillington in the Irish Times, going through journos for a shortcut:
All the hand-wringing from journalists, unions and media companies – even politicians and ministers – over the GSOC’s accessing of journalist’s call records? Oh, please. What wilful ignorance, mixed with blatant hypocrisy. Where have you all been for the past decade and a half, as successive Irish governments and ministers for justice supported and then rammed through legislation for mandatory call data retention for one of the longest periods in the world, with some of the weakest legal constraints and oversight?
(tags: karlin-lillington privacy data-protection dri law journalists gsoc surveillance data-retention)