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Links for 2015-11-04

  • PICO-8:

    PICO-8 is a fantasy console for making, sharing and playing tiny games and other computer programs. When you turn it on, the machine greets you with a shell for typing in Lua commands and provides simple built-in tools for creating your own cartridges.
    So cute! See also Voxatron, something similar for voxel-oriented 3D gaming

    (tags: consoles games gaming lua coding retro 2d pico-8)

  • Why Static Website Generators Are The Next Big Thing

    Now _this_ makes me feel old. Alternative title: “why static website generators have been a good idea since WebMake, 15 years ago”. WebMake does pretty well on the checklist of “key features of the modern static website generator”, which are: 1. Templating (check); 2. Markdown support (well, EtText, which predated Markdown by several years); 3. Metadata (check); and 4. Javascript asset pipeline (didn’t support this one, since complex front-end DHTML JS wasn’t really a thing at the turn of the century. But I would have if it had ;). So I guess I was on the right track!

    (tags: web html history webmake static-sites bake-dont-fry site-generators cms)

  • Food Trucks Are Great Incubators. Why Don’t We Have More?

    So is that kind of thriving food-truck scene something the city should work to encourage? Theresa Hernandez, one of the owners of K Chido Mexico, thinks so. “There’s a whole market there for a new culture,” she says. “There’s no doubt about it, the appetite is there. It’s just a matter for somebody who is innovative enough in Dublin City Council to say: ‘Right, let’s do this.’”
    Amen to that.

    (tags: k-chido food-trucks dublin food ireland dcc)

  • wangle/Codel.h at master · facebook/wangle

    Facebook’s open-source implementation of the CoDel queue management algorithm applied to server request-handling capacity in their C++ service bootstrap library, Wangle.

    (tags: wangle facebook codel services capacity reliability queueing)