turns out Ruby has a good set of random-text-generation gems on offer
(tags: random ruby coding text-generation markov-chain gems)
The Titanium Gambit | History | Air & Space Magazine
Amazing story of 1960s detente via Maciej: ‘During the Cold War, Boeing execs got a strange call from the State Department: Would you guys mind trading secrets with the Russians?’
(tags: via:maciej titanium history cold-war detente ussr usa boeing russia aerospace)
I’ve seen more than my fair share of abuse online, but Lorraine Higgins’ bill isn’t the answer
Tom Murphy:
This bill prioritises other peoples’ “alarm or distress” over your communications not just TO them but also ABOUT them. Don’t like what Joan Burton is doing with the water charges? Want to write something on independent media about what you think of that? Better not alarm or distress or harm her! This is the core of my issue with the bill. It’s not just that almost all the agreeable parts of it are already covered by other laws. It’s not just that it’s utterly unenforceable with our current justice system. It’s not just that it’s so vague and fluffy. It’s that it’s so ill-defined and over-reaching that its interpretation will inevitably have to be left to judges. Leaving anything to judges is a bad idea in general. This overly broad and poorly worded bill is a god-send to people who like to bully others into silence. Ironic that eh?!
(tags: lorraine-higgins law seanad abuse harrassment trolls)