in favour of a proprietary ground-up rewrite called Heron. Reading between the lines it sounds like Storm had problems with latency, reliability, data loss, and supporting back pressure.
(tags: analytics architecture twitter storm heron backpressure streaming realtime queueing)
neat substitute for physical-time clocks in synchronization and ordering in a distributed system, based on Lamport’s Logical Clocks and Google’s TrueTime. ‘HLC captures the causality relationship like LC, and enables easy identification of consistent snapshots in distributed systems. Dually, HLC can be used in lieu of PT clocks since it maintains its logical clock to be always close to the PT clock.’
(tags: hlc clocks logical-clocks time synchronization ordering events logs papers algorithms truetime distcomp)
Increasingly bizarre postal address obfuscation with An Post, the Irish postal service. Example:
I have decided to see what you can post [….] My first experiment was a dice [sic] with one line of the address on each side. An Post delivered two days later. They win this round
Via JG -
‘Can do ~1M queries to ~3K public DNS servers within ~3 minutes with just a few threads.’ via Trustin Lee. Netty is the business
(tags: netty dns async crawlers resolver benchmarks scanning)