‘Caffeine is a Java 8 based concurrency library that provides specialized data structures, such as a high performance cache.’
(tags: cache java8 java guava caching concurrency data-structures coding)
Combining static model checking with dynamic enforcement using the Statecall Policy Language
This looks quite nice — a model-checker “for regular programmers”. Example model for ping(1):
01 automaton ping (int max_count, int count, bool can_timeout) { 02 Initialize; 03 during { 04 count = 0; 05 do { 06 Transmit_Ping; 07 either { 08 Receive_Ping; 09 } or (can_timeout) { 10 Timeout_Ping; 11 }; 12 count = count + 1; 13 } until (count >= max_count); 14 } handle { 15 SIGINFO; 16 Print_Summary; 17 };
(tags: ping model-checking models formal-methods verification static dynamic coding debugging testing distcomp papers)
good review
(tags: cdt replication distcomp voldemort dynamo riak storage papers)
Google open sources a key part of their internal build system (internally called “Blaze” it seems for a while). Very nice indeed!
(tags: blaze bazel build-tools building open-source google coding packaging)