Bloom Cookies: web search personalization without user tracking
Interesting paper
(tags: bloom-cookies bloom-filters data-structures cookies privacy personalization user-tracking http)
Why we run an open source program – Walmart Labs
This is a great exposition of why it’s in a company’s interest to engage with open source. Not sure I agree with ‘engineers are the artists of our generation’ but the rest are spot on
(tags: development open-source walmart node coding via:hn hiring)
MQTT definitely has a smaller size on the wire. It’s also simpler to parse (let’s face it, Huffman isn’t that easy to implement) and provides guaranteed delivery to cater to shaky wireless networks. On the other hand, it’s also not terribly extensible. There aren’t a whole lot of headers and options available, and there’s no way to make custom ones without touching the payload of the message. It seems that HTTP/2 could definitely serve as a reasonable replacement for MQTT. It’s reasonably small, supports multiple paradigms (pub/sub & request/response) and is extensible. Its also supported by the IETF (whereas MQTT is hosted by OASIS). From conversations I’ve had with industry leaders in the embedded software and chip manufacturing, they only want to support standards from the IETF. Many of them are still planning to support MQTT, but they’re not happy about it. I think MQTT is better at many of the things it was designed for, but I’m interested to see over time if those advantages are enough to outweigh the benefits of HTTP. Regardless, MQTT has been gaining a lot of traction in the past year or two, so you may be forced into using it while HTTP/2 catches up.
(tags: http2 mqtt iot pub-sub protocols ietf embedded push http)
Automatically Deploy from GitHub Using AWS CodeDeploy – Application Management Blog
I like this
(tags: github aws ec2 codedeploy deployment ops)
Programmer IS A Career Path, Thank You
Well said — Amazon had a good story around this btw
(tags: programming coding career work life)
how Curator fixed issues with the Hive ZooKeeper Lock Manager Implementation
Ugh, ZK is a bear to work with.
Apache Curator is open source software which is able to handle all of the above scenarios transparently. Curator is a Netflix ZooKeeper Library and it provides a high-level API, CuratorFramework, that simplifies using ZooKeeper. By using a singleton CuratorFramework instance in the new ZooKeeperHiveLockManager implementation, we not only fixed the ZooKeeper connection issues, but also made the code easy to understand and maintain.
(tags: zookeeper apis curator netflix distributed-locks coding hive)
Advanced cryptographic ratcheting
Forward secrecy and in-session key “ratcheting”
(tags: crypto privacy key-management forward-secrecy pfs key-ratcheting key-rotation)