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Links for 2015-02-19

  • pcp2graphite

    A gateway script, now included in PCP

    (tags: pcp2graphite pcp graphite ops metrics system)

  • Performance Co-Pilot

    System performance metrics framework, plugged by Netflix, open-source for ages

    (tags: open-source pcp performance system metrics ops red-hat netflix)

  • Superfish: A History Of Malware Complaints And International Surveillance – Forbes

    Superfish, founded and led by former Intel employee and ex-surveillance boffin Adi Pinhas, has been criticised by users the world over since its inception in 2006.

    (tags: superfish lenovo privacy surveillance ads java windows mac firefox pups ssl tls ad-injection komodia)

  • The Superfish certificate has been cracked, exposing Lenovo users to attack | The Verge

    The cracked certificate exposes Lenovo users to man-in-the-middle attacks, similar to those opened up by Heartbleed. Armed with this password and the right software, a coffee shop owner could potentially spy on any Lenovo user on her network, collecting any passwords that were entered during the session. The evil barista could also insert malware into the data stream at will, disguised as a software update or a trusted site.
    Amazingly stupid.

    (tags: superfish inept ca ssl tls lenovo mitm security)

  • Police have asked Dropcam for video from people’s home cameras — Fusion

    “Like any responsible father, Hugh Morrison had installed cameras in every room in the flat,” is the opening line of Intrusion, a 2012 novel set in the near future. Originally installed so that Hugh and his wife can keep an eye on their kids, the Internet-connected cameras wind up being used later in the novel by police who tap into the feeds to monitor the couple chatting on their couch when they are suspected of anti-societal behavior. As with so many sci-fi scenarios, the novel’s vision was prophetic. People are increasingly putting small Internet-connected cameras into their homes. And law enforcement officials are using the cameras to collect evidence about them.

    (tags: privacy dropcam cameras surveillance law-enforcement)

  • Extracting the SuperFish certificate

    not exactly the most challenging reverse I’ve ever seen ;)

    (tags: reverse-engineering security crypto hacking tls ssl superfish lenovo)

  • The Great SIM Heist: How Spies Stole the Keys to the Encryption Castle

    Holy shit. Gemalto totally rooted.

    With [Gemalto’s] stolen encryption keys, intelligence agencies can monitor mobile communications without seeking or receiving approval from telecom companies and foreign governments. Possessing the keys also sidesteps the need to get a warrant or a wiretap, while leaving no trace on the wireless provider’s network that the communications were intercepted. Bulk key theft additionally enables the intelligence agencies to unlock any previously encrypted communications they had already intercepted, but did not yet have the ability to decrypt. […] According to one secret GCHQ slide, the British intelligence agency penetrated Gemalto’s internal networks, planting malware on several computers, giving GCHQ secret access. We “believe we have their entire network,” the slide’s author boasted about the operation against Gemalto.

    (tags: encryption security crypto nsa gchq gemalto smartcards sim-cards privacy surveillance spying)

  • One year of InfluxDB and the road to 1.0

    half of the [Monitorama] attendees were employees and entrepreneurs at monitoring, metrics, DevOps, and server analytics companies. Most of them had a story about how their metrics API was their key intellectual property that took them years to develop. The other half of the attendees were developers at larger organizations that were rolling their own DevOps stack from a collection of open source tools. Almost all of them were creating a “time series database” with a bunch of web services code on top of some other database or just using Graphite. When everyone is repeating the same work, it’s not key intellectual property or a differentiator, it’s a barrier to entry. Not only that, it’s something that is hindering innovation in this space since everyone has to spend their first year or two getting to the point where they can start building something real. It’s like building a web company in 1998. You have to spend millions of dollars and a year building infrastructure, racking servers, and getting everything ready before you could run the application. Monitoring and analytics applications should not be like this.

    (tags: graphite monitoring metrics tsd time-series analytics influxdb open-source)

  • Sysdig Cloud’s JMX Metrics

    Sysdig Cloud users have the ability to view and analyze Java Management Extensions (JMX) metrics out of the box with no additional configuration or setup required.

    (tags: sysdig jmx java jvm)

  • Will the madness never end? Komodia SSL certificates are EVERYWHERE

    I think that at this point it is safe to assume that any SSL interception product sold by Komodia or based on the Komodia SDK is going to be using the same method. What does this mean? Well, this means that those dodgy certificates aren’t limited to Lenovo laptops sold over a specific date range. It means that anyone who has come into contact with a Komodia product, or who has had some sort of Parental Control software installed on their computer should probably check to see if they are affected.

    (tags: komodia via:jgc ssl lenovo parental-control censorware mitm)