Top 20 Bourbons Around $30 | The Bourbon Review
Need to keep an eye out for a few of these — will probably be a little more than $30 given the whole import/export carry-on of course
Why You Shouldn’t Use ZooKeeper for Service Discovery
In CAP terms, ZooKeeper is CP, meaning that it’s consistent in the face of partitions, not available. For many things that ZooKeeper does, this is a necessary trade-off. Since ZooKeeper is first and foremost a coordination service, having an eventually consistent design (being AP) would be a horrible design decision. Its core consensus algorithm, Zab, is therefore all about consistency. For coordination, that’s great. But for service discovery it’s better to have information that may contain falsehoods than to have no information at all. It is much better to know what servers were available for a given service five minutes ago than to have no idea what things looked like due to a transient network partition. The guarantees that ZooKeeper makes for coordination are the wrong ones for service discovery, and it hurts you to have them.
Yes! I’ve been saying this for months — good to see others concurring.(tags: architecture zookeeper eureka outages network-partitions service-discovery cap partitions)
omg, Die Gute Fabrik’s game collection featuring the AMAZING Johann Sebastian Joust — now available on Mac, Linux and (missing JSJ) Windows. Time to buy an assload of Move controllers!
(tags: jsj johann-sebastian-joust games fun die-gute-fabrik sportsfriends gaming linux mac)
Lambda, Javascript Micro-Services on AWS
Nice worked-through Lambda example