Hey look, PID 1 segfaulting! I haven’t seen that happen since we managed to corrupt /bin/sh on Ultrix in 1992. Nice work Fedora
Operation Socialist: How GCHQ Spies Hacked Belgium’s Largest Telco
GCHQ maintains a huge repository named MUTANT BROTH that stores billions of these intercepted cookies, which it uses to correlate with IP addresses to determine the identity of a person. GCHQ refers to cookies internally as “target detection identifiers.”
(tags: privacy gchq surveillance belgacom regin uk spying belgium isps cookies malware)
Generate graphs/flowcharts from text a la Markdown. Pretty much identical to graphviz surely?
(tags: mermaid graphviz markdown cli open-source)
How Etsy Does Continuous Integration for Mobile Apps
Very impressive. I particularly like the use of Tester Dojos to get through a backlog of unwritten tests — we had a similar problem recently…
(tags: dojos testing ci cd builds etsy mobile ios shenzen trylib jenkins tester-dojos)