The Future Of The Culture Wars Is Here, And It’s Gamergate
Like, say, the Christian right, which came together through the social media of its day — little-watched television broadcasts, church bulletins, newsletters—or the Tea Party, which found its way through self-selection on social media and through back channels, Gamergate, in the main, comprises an assortment of agitators who sense which way the winds are blowing and feel left out. It has found a mobilizing event, elicited response from the established press, and run a successful enough public relations campaign that it’s begun attracting visible advocates who agree with the broad talking points and respectful-enough coverage from the mainstream press. If there is a ground war being waged, as the movement’s increasingly militaristic rhetoric suggests, Gamergate is fighting largely unopposed. A more important resemblance to the Tea Party, though, is in the way in which it’s focused the anger of people who realize the world is changing, and not necessarily to their benefit.
(tags: culture gaming journalism gamergate tea-party grim-meathook-future culture-wars misogyny)
Facebook and Apple Offer Egg-Freezing Perk So Women Never Stop Working
(tags: grim-meathook-future egg-freezing perks apple facebook work life children work-life-balance)
BBC News – South Korean ID system to be rebuilt from scratch
There are several reasons that the ID cards have proved so easy to steal: Identity numbers started to be issued in the 1960s and still follow the same pattern. The first few digits are the user’s birth date, followed by either a one for male or two for female; Their usage across different sectors makes them master keys for hackers, say experts; If details are leaked, citizens are unable to change them
via Tony Finch.(tags: south-korea identity id-cards ppsn hackers)