how King Cormac predicted Arguing On The Internet
From The Wisdom of King Cormac:
“O Cormac, grandson of Conn”, said Carbery, “What is the worst pleading and arguing?” “Not hard to tell”, said Cormac. “Contending against knowledge, contending without proofs, taking refuge in bad language, a stiff delivery, a muttering speech, hair-splitting, uncertain proofs, despising books, turning against custom, shifting one’s pleading, inciting the mob, blowing one’s own trumpet, shouting at the top of one’s voice.”
(tags: internet arguing history ireland king-cormac hair-splitting shouting reddit)
a simple, lightweight HTTP server for storing and distributing custom Debian packages around your organisation. It is designed to make it as easy as possible to use Debian packages for code deployments and to ease other system administration tasks.
Linus Torvalds and others on Linux’s systemd
ZDNet’s Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols on the systemd mess (via Kragen)
UK police to investigate alleged Bahraini hacking of exiles’ computers
Criminal complaints have been filed in the UK against Gamma “acting as an accessory to Bahrain’s illegal targeting of activists” using the FinFisher spyware
(tags: finfisher spyware malware gamma bahrain law surveillance privacy germany hacking)
Tech’s Meritocracy Problem — Medium
Meritocracy is a myth. And our belief in it is holding back the tech industry from getting better.
(tags: culture hiring diversity meritocracy tech software jobs work misogyny)
GamerGate Death Threats – Business Insider
“It’s completely insane. It’s insane that you even have to say out loud that sending death threats to people who disagree with your opinion of video games is wrong. Yet here we are: Apparently, it needs to be said.”
(tags: death-threats gamergame gaming twitter feminism misogyny)
#Gamergate Trolls Aren’t Ethics Crusaders; They’re a Hate Group
#Gamergate, as they have treated myself and peers in our industry, is a hate group. This word, again, should not lend them any mystique or credence. Rather it should illuminate the fact that even the most nebulous and inconsistent ideas can proliferate wildly if strung onto the organizational framework of the hate group, which additionally gains a startling amount of power online. #Gamergate is a hate group, and they are all the more dismissible for it. And the longer we treat them otherwise, the longer I fear for our industry’s growth.
(tags: harassment gamergate abuse twitter hate-groups gaming misogyny)