Felix says: ‘Like I said, I’d like to move it to a more general / non-personal repo in the future, but haven’t had the time yet. Anyway, you can still browse the code there for now. It is not a big code base so not that hard to wrap one’s mind around it. It is Apache licensed and both Kafka and Voldemort are using it so I would say it is pretty self-contained (although Kafka has not moved to Tehuti proper, it is essentially the same code they’re using, minus a few small fixes missing that we added). Tehuti is a bit lower level than CodaHale (i.e.: you need to choose exactly which stats you want to measure and the boundaries of your histograms), but this is the type of stuff you would build a wrapper for and then re-use within your code base. For example: the Voldemort RequestCounter class.’
(tags: asl2 apache open-source tehuti metrics percentiles quantiles statistics measurement latency kafka voldemort linkedin)
Great presentation about Github dev culture and building software without breakage, but still with real progress.
(tags: github programming communication process coding teams management dev-culture breakage)
Unity, one gaming development platform to unite them all, up for sale
Syncthing is becoming Ind.ie Pulse. Pulse replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralised. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared with some third party, and how it’s transmitted over the Internet.
(tags: syncing storage cloud dropbox utilities gpl decentralization)