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Links for 2014-10-05

  • ‘In 1976 I discovered Ebola, now I fear an unimaginable tragedy’ | World news | The Observer

    An interview with the scientist who was part of the team which discovered the Ebola virus in 1976:

    Other samples from the nun, who had since died, arrived from Kinshasa. When we were just about able to begin examining the virus under an electron microscope, the World Health Organisation instructed us to send all of our samples to a high-security lab in England. But my boss at the time wanted to bring our work to conclusion no matter what. He grabbed a vial containing virus material to examine it, but his hand was shaking and he dropped it on a colleague’s foot. The vial shattered. My only thought was: “Oh, shit!” We immediately disinfected everything, and luckily our colleague was wearing thick leather shoes. Nothing happened to any of us.

    (tags: ebola epidemiology health africa labs history medicine)