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Links for 2014-09-23

  • Avoiding Chef-Suck with Auto Scaling Groups – forty9ten

    Some common problems which arise using Chef with ASGs in EC2, and how these guys avoided it — they stopped using Chef for service provisioning, and instead baked AMIs when a new version was released. ASGs using pre-baked AMIs definitely works well so this makes good sense IMO.

    (tags: infrastructure chef ops asg auto-scaling ec2 provisioning deployment)

  • Introducing

    Mark “ONEList” Fletcher’s back, and he’s reinventing the email group! awesome.

    email groups (the modern version of mailing lists) have stagnated over the past decade. Yahoo Groups and Google Groups both exude the dank air of benign neglect. Google Groups hasn’t been updated in years, and some of Yahoo’s recent changes have actually made Yahoo Groups worse! And yet, millions of people put up with this uncertainty and neglect, because email groups are still one of the best ways to communicate with groups of people. And I have a plan to make them even better. So today I’m launching in beta, to bring email groups into the 21st Century. At launch, we have many features that those other services don’t have, including: Integration with other services, including: Github, Google Hangouts, Dropbox, Instagram, Facebook Pages, and the ability to import Feeds into your groups. Businesses and organizations can have their own private groups on their own subdomain. Better archive organization, using hashtags. Many more email delivery options. The ability to mute threads or hashtags. Fully searchable archives, including searching within attachments. One other feature that has that Yahoo and Google don’t, is a business model that’s not based on showing ads to you. Public groups are completely free on Private groups and organizations are very reasonably priced.

    (tags: email groups communication discussion mailing-lists yahoo google google-groups yahoo-groups)