Google’s mighty mess-up on ‘right to be forgotten’ –
In this context, the search giant says that it has “a team of people reviewing each application individually”. Really? Did this team of people decide that redacting links to an article reporting a criminal conviction was consistent with an individual’s right to privacy and ‘right to be forgotten’? Either Google is deliberately letting egregious errors through to try and bait journalists and freedom of expression activists into protesting or its system at vetting ‘right to be forgotten’ applications is awfully flawed.
(tags: google right-to-be-forgotten privacy law ireland adrian-weckler journalism freedom-of-expression censorship redaction)
“Ark: A Real-World Consensus Implementation” [paper]
“an implementation of a consensus algorithm similar to Paxos and Raft, designed as an improvement over the existing consensus algorithm used by MongoDB and TokuMX.” It’ll be interesting to see how this gets on in review from the distributed-systems community. The phrase “similar to Paxos and Raft” is both worrying and promising ;)
(tags: paxos raft consensus algorithms distsys distributed leader-election mongodb tokumx)
A Japanese Artist Launches Plants Into Space
This is amazing.
though the vessel was found on the ground, the flowers were not.
(tags: japan art bonsai flowers space nevada black-rock-desert exobiotanica)
‘Identifying Back Doors, Attack Points and Surveillance Mechanisms in iOS Devices’
lots of scary stuff in this presentation from this year’s Hackers On Planet Earth conf. I’m mainly interested to find out that Jonathan “D-Spam” Zdziarski was also a jailbreak dev-team member until around iOS 4 ;)
(tags: d-spam jonathan-zdziarski security apple ios iphone surveillance bugging)