A dive into a UTF-8 validation regexp
Once again, I find myself checking over the UTF-8 validation code in websocket-driver, and once again I find I cannot ever remember how to make sense of this regex that performs the validation. I just copied it off a webpage once and it took a while (and reimplementing UTF-8 myself) to fully understand what it does. If you write software that processes text, you’ll probably need to understand this too.
(tags: utf-8 unicode utf8 javascript node encoding text strings validation websockets regular-expressions regexps)
This [shell one-liner] will take a picture of a whiteboard and use parts of the ImageMagick library with sane defaults to clean it up tremendously.: convert “$1” -morphology Convolve DoG:15,100,0 -negate -normalize -blur 0x1 -channel RBG -level 60%,91%,0.1 “$2”
Some kind soul has put up a quickie web UI here: http://api.o2b.ru/whiteboardcleaner(tags: graphics tools whiteboard imagemagick text images cleanup gimp photoshop via:fanf)
A Rare Peek Inside Amazon’s Massive Wish-Fulfilling Machine
Wired get a tour of PHX6, one of Amazon’s FCs
(tags: amazon wired fcs warehouses ecommerce)
Paleo is the Scientology of Diet
Being paleo is like paying a stupidity tax. Again, it’s not you who is stupid, but the diet sure is, because it lets you drink paleo coffee while putting paleo butter and paleo syrup on your paleo waffles before you drive your paleo minivan to the paleo office to sit in your paleo cube and do spreadsheets on your paleo computer. See, the paleo diet made up a bunch of silly rules on how we allegedly ate, and then goes and twists them all to hell in the name of selling you a crappy, overpriced product. That is scientology-level stupid.
(tags: scientology paleo rants funny food diet health bulletproof-coffee stupid)
a power-management subsystem for warehouse-scale computing farms. “It adjusts the power-performance settings of servers so that the overall workload barely meets its latency constraints for user queries.”
(tags: pegasus power-management power via:fanf google latency scaling)