+1. What has happened at Google? Did they fire ever employee in the UX department?
Spark – A small web framework for Java
A Sinatra-like minimal web framework built on Java 8 lambdas:
public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { get("/hello", (request, response) -> { return "Hello World!"; }); } }
(tags: via:sampullara web java sinatra lambdas closures java8 spark)
Building a Global, Highly Available Service Discovery Infrastructure with ZooKeeper
This is the written version of a presentation [Camille Fournier] made at the ZooKeeper Users Meetup at Strata/Hadoop World in October, 2012 (slides available here). This writeup expects some knowledge of ZooKeeper.
good advice from one of the ZK committers.(tags: zookeeper service-discovery architecture distcomp camille-fournier availability wan network)
“Replicated abstract data types: Building blocks for collaborative applications”
cited at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7737423 as ‘one of my favorite papers on CRDTs and provides practical pseudocode for learning how to implement CRDTs yourself’, in a discussion on cemerick’s “Distributed Systems and the End of the API”: http://writings.quilt.org/2014/05/12/distributed-systems-and-the-end-of-the-api/
(tags: distcomp networking distributed crdts algorithms text data-structures cap)