an easily embeddable, decentralized, k-ordered unique ID generator. It can use the same encoded ID format as Twitter’s Snowflake or Boundary’s Flake implementations as well as any other customized encoding without too much effort. The fauxflake-core module has no external dependencies and is meant to be about as light as possible while still delivering useful functionality. Essentially, if you want to be able to generate a unique identifier across your infrastructure with reasonable assurances about collisions, then you might find this useful.
From the same guy as the excellent Guava Retrier library; java, ASL2-licensed open source.(tags: open-source java asl2 fauxflake tools libraries unique-ids ids unique snowflake distsys)
Another cool library from Roy Holder: ‘an Apache 2.0 licensed general-purpose retrying library, written in Python, to simplify the task of adding retry behavior to just about anything.’ Similar to his Guava-Retrier java lib, but using a decorator.
(tags: retrying python libraries tools backoff retry error-handling)
Redis adds support for HyperLogLog
good comment thread on HN, discussing hlld and bloomd as well
(tags: hll bloom-filters hyperloglog redis data-structures estimation cardinality probabilistic probability hashing random)