turn Youtube videos into animated GIFs (via Waxy)
(tags: via:waxy gifs youtube video animated-gifs images web)
‘Scaling to Millions of Simultaneous Connections’ [pdf]
Presentation by Rick Reed of WhatsApp on the large-scale Erlang cluster backing the WhatsApp API, delivered at Erlang Factory SF, March 30 2012. lots of juicy innards here
(tags: erlang scaling scalability performance whatsapp freebsd presentations)
Traffic Graph – Google Transparency Report
this is cool. Google are exposing an aggregated ‘all services’ hit count time-series graph, broken down by country, as part of their Transparency Report pages
(tags: transparency filtering web google http graphs monitoring syria)
I want to emphasize that if you use redis as intended (as a slightly-persistent, not-HA cache), it’s great. Unfortunately, more and more shops seem to be thinking that Redis is a full-service database and, as someone who’s had to spend an inordinate amount of time maintaining such a setup, it’s not. If you’re writing software and you’re thinking “hey, it would be easy to just put a SET key value in this code and be done,” please reconsider. There are lots of great products out there that are better for the overwhelming majority of use cases.
Ouch. (via Aphyr)(tags: redis storage architecture memory caching ha databases)
I’m going to need this pretty soon — lots of white spots showing up with the current BenQ :(
(tags: projectors video home hardware reviews)