Safe cross-thread publication of a non-final variable in the JVM
Scary, but potentially useful in future, so worth bookmarking. By carefully orchestrating memory accesses using volatile and non-volatile fields, one can ensure that a non-volatile, non-synchronized field’s value is safely visible to all threads after that point due to JMM barrier semantics.
What you are looking to do is enforce a barrier between your initializing stores and your publishing store, without that publishing store being made to a volatile field. This can be done by using volatile access to other fields in the publication path, without using those variables in the later access paths to the published object.
(tags: volatile atomic java jvm gil-tene synchronization performance threading jmm memory-barriers)
Irish quango allegedly buys fake twitter followers
The Consumers Association of Ireland had a sudden jump from 300 to 3000 Twitter followers, mostly from Latin and South America — with more followers in Brazil than Ireland. They are now blaming “hacking”:
(tags: consumers quangos ireland politics twitter funny fake-followers latin-america south-america brazil social-media tech)
Big Red Kitchen on buying Irish honey
1. There is NO SUCH THING as “Organic Irish Honey” (due to EU directives making it impossible to certify); 2. In the absence of Organic the best thing you can look for is “Raw Irish honey” (which is of Irish origin, and not heated to very high temperatures, so it retains its antibacterial properties); 3. Blended honeys, or honeys which say EEC/Non EEC are NOT Irish, however they may be packed in Ireland; 4. Look for the NIHBS “Produced by Native Irish Honey Bees” or similar, for confirmation that the honey you are buying is indeed of Irish origin.
(tags: irish ireland honey buy-irish big-red-kitchen food organic-food)
More than 50% of Irish companies have “suffered a data breach” in 2013
The research, conducted among hundreds of Irish companies’ IT managers by the Irish Computer Society, reveals that 51 per cent of Irish firms have suffered a data breach over the last year, a jump on 43 per cent recorded in 2012.
Wow, that’s high.(tags: hacking security ireland ics data-breaches)
Irish Internet Providers Roll Out KickassTorrents Blockade
The lucrative whack-a-mole business continues — mostly in response to High Court actions, although Eircom are just helping out. I bet a google for “kickass proxy” doesn’t return anything useful at all, of course….
(tags: kat kickasstorrents bittorrent piracy copyright high-court ireland eircom filtering blocking)
Internet Censors Came For TorrentFreak & Now I’m Really Mad
TF are not happy about Sky blocking their blog.
There can be little doubt that little by little, piece by piece, big corporations and governments are taking chunks out of the free Internet. Today they pretend that the control is in the hands of the people, but along the way they are prepared to mislead and misdirect, even when their errors are pointed out to them. I’m calling on Sky, Symantec, McAfee and other ISPs about to employ filtering to categorize this site correctly as a news site or blog and to please start listening to people’s legitimate complaints about other innocent sites. It serves nobody’s interests to wrongfully block legitimate information.
(tags: censorship isps uk sky torrentfreak piracy copyright filtering blocking symantec filesharing)
Harry – A Tool for Measuring String Similarity
a small tool for comparing strings and measuring their similarity. The tool supports several common distance and kernel functions for strings as well as some exotic similarity measures. The focus of Harry lies on implicit similarity measures, that is, comparison functions that do not give rise to an explicit vector space. Examples of such similarity measures are the Levenshtein distance and the Jaro-Winkler distance. For comparison Harry loads a set of strings from input, computes the specified similarity measure and writes a matrix of similarity values to output. The similarity measure can be computed based on the granularity of characters as well as words contained in the strings. The configuration of this process, such as the input format, the similarity measure and the output format, are specified in a configuration file and can be additionally refined using command-line options. Harry is implemented using OpenMP, such that the computation time for a set of strings scales linear with the number of available CPU cores. Moreover, efficient implementations of several similarity measures, effective caching of similarity values and low-overhead locking further speedup the computation.
via kragen.(tags: via:kragen strings similarity levenshtein-distance algorithms openmp jaro-winkler edit-distance cli commandline hamming-distance compression)
A nice node.js app to perform continuous deployment from a GitHub repo via its webhook support, from Matt Sergeant
(tags: github node.js runit deployment git continuous-deployment devops ops)
yummy-looking recipe from Lily at
(tags: tacos mexican-food food recipes meat tacos-al-pastor)
Succinct Data Structures: Cramming 80,000 words into a Javascript file
a succinctly-encoded trie — slow to encode, super-compact, but fast to look up
(tags: succinct-encoding tries coding performance compression data-structures algorithms)