‘This article will use NettoSphere, a framework build on top of the popular Netty Framework and Atmosphere with support of WebSockets, Server Side Events and Long-Polling. NettoSphere allows [async JVM framework] Atmosphere’s applications to run on top of the Netty Framework.’
(tags: atmosphere netty async java scala websockets sse long-polling http demos games)
Pushing to 100,000 API clients simultaneously
This looks really nice — it’s quite similar to something I was hacking on a while back. Only problem is that it’s AGPL-licensed… ‘Pushpin makes it easy to create HTTP long-polling and streaming services using any web stack as the backend. It’s compatible with any framework, whether Django, Rails, ASP, or even PHP. Pushpin works as a reverse proxy, sitting in front of your server application and managing all of the open client connections.’
(tags: pushpin opensource agpl http long-polling reverse-proxy architecture callbacks)
European ruling raises questions over liability and online comment
‘A recent ruling by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has called into question […] the liability of media organisations for online comment.’ Delfi, a news website in Estonia, found liable for a user’s comments by the ECHR
(tags: echr comments news web law regulation estonia delfi liability slander defamation)
Why Every Company Needs A DevOps Team Now – Feld Thoughts
Bookmarking particularly for the 3 “favourite DevOps patterns”:
“Make sure we have environments available early in the Development process”; enforce a policy that the code and environment are tested together, even at the earliest stages of the project; “Wake up developers up at 2 a.m. when they break things”; and “Create reusable deployment procedures”.
(tags: devops work ops deployment testing pager-duty)