‘Visualizations that make no sense.’ Some of these are unintentional comedy gold — pie charts feature heavily, of course. (via Des Traynor)
(tags: via:destraynor infographics wtf visualization dataviz data fail funny graphics pie-charts)
Non-blocking transactional atomicity
Peter Bailis with an interesting distributed-storage atomicity algorithm for performing multi-record transactional updates
(tags: algorithms nbta transactions databases storage distcomp distributed atomic coding eventual-consistency crdts)
Interview with the Github Elasticsearch Team
good background on Github’s Elasticsearch scaling efforts. Some rather horrific split-brain problems under load, and crashes due to OpenJDK bugs (sounds like OpenJDK *still* isn’t ready for production). painful
(tags: elasticsearch github search ops scaling split-brain outages openjdk java jdk jvm)
The Irish Times, terminations and Holles Street: The story that wasn’t there.
Summarising a very shoddy tale from our paper of record.
I don’t know what happened here. I don’t know whether there ever was a woman who met the description given by the Irish Times who suffered a medical crisis during pregnancy. I don’t know why a group of men in positions of authority in the Irish Times decided that, if there was such a woman, they had any right to tell the rest of the country about her experiences. I don’t know why, when they discovered that a mistake had been made in the one legal fact used to justify that decision they didn’t immediately apologise. And I don’t know what happened between the 23rd August 2013 and 31st August 2013 to prompt them to print a shoulder shrugging ‘acceptance’ that the case ‘hadn’t happened’ and limit the paper’s apology to an institution, as opposed to its readers. But, from what I’ve seen this week, I do know one thing. Whatever questions readers might have, The Irish Times isn’t interested in giving them any answers.
(tags: irish-times fail shoddy abortion health public-interest journalism pregnancy corrections)
Rackspace’s large-scale TSD storage system, built on Cassandra, Java, ASL2
(tags: cassandra tsd storage time-series data open-source java rackspace)