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Links for 2013-08-28

  • GCHQ tapping at least 14 EU fiber-optic cables

    Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) had already revealed in late June that the British had access to the cable TAT-14, which connects Germany with the USA, UK, Denmark, France and the Netherlands. In addition to TAT-14, the other cables that GCHQ has access to include Atlantic Crossing 1, Circe North, Circe South, Flag Atlantic-1, Flag Europa-Asia, SeaMeWe-3 and SeaMeWe-4, Solas, UK France 3, UK Netherlands-14, Ulysses, Yellow and the Pan European Crossing.

    (tags: sz germany cables fiber-optic tapping snooping tat-14 eu politics gchq)

  • In historic vote, New Zealand bans software patents | Ars Technica

    This is amazing news. Paying attention, Sean Sherlock?

    A major new patent bill, passed in a 117-4 vote by New Zealand’s Parliament after five years of debate, has banned software patents. The relevant clause of the patent bill actually states that a computer program is “not an invention.” Some have suggested that was a way to get around the wording of the TRIPS intellectual property treaty, which requires patents to be “available for any inventions, whether products or processes, in all fields of technology.” […] One Member of Parliament who was deeply involved in the debate, Clare Curran, quoted several heads of software firms complaining about how the patenting process allowed “obvious things” to get patented and that “in general software patents are counter-productive.” Curran quoted one developer as saying, “It’s near impossible for software to be developed without breaching some of the hundreds of thousands of patents granted around the world for obvious work.” “These are the heavyweights of the new economy in software development,” said Curran. “These are the people that needed to be listened to, and thankfully, they were.”

    (tags: new-zealand nz patents swpats law trips ip software-patents yay)

  • Docker: Git for deployment

    Docker is to deployment as Git is to development. Developers are able to leverage Git’s performance and flexibility when building applications. Git encourages experiments and doesn’t punish you when things go wrong: start your experiments in a branch, if things fall down, just git rebase or git reset. It’s easy to start a branch and fast to push it. Docker encourages experimentation for operations. Containers start quickly. Building images is a snap. Using another images as a base image is easy. Deploying whole images is fast, and last but not least, it’s not painful to rollback. Fast + flexible = deployments are about to become a lot more enjoyable.

    (tags: docker deployment sysadmin ops devops vms vagrant virtualization containers linux git)