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Links for 2013-08-16

  • Massive Overblocking Hits Hundreds Of UK Sites | Techdirt

    Customers of UK ISPs Virgin Media and Be Broadband found they were unable to access hundreds of sites, including the Radio Times and Zooniverse, due to a secret website-blocking court order from the Premier League. PC Pro believe that 3 other ISPs’ customers were also affected. According to customers reverse-engineering, it looks like the court order incorrectly demanded the blocking of “”, a HTTP redirector operated by the DNS operator DNSMadeEasy.

    The fact that the court could issue an order which didn’t see this coming and that the ISPs would act on it without checking that what they were doing was sensible is, in my opinion, extremely worrying.

    (tags: overblocking censorship org uk sky be-broadband virgin-media dnsmadeeasy filtering premier-league false-positives isps)