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Links for 2013-07-20

  • The Trello Tech Stack

    Good description of how Fog Creek built out their Trello product; client-side JS rendering, model synced across the wire, HAProxy, Redis, and WebSockets. Bookmarked notably for this paragraph, which doesn’t ameliorate my fear of WebSockets as a tech:

    The server currently has some problems with scaling up to more than 10K [jm: oh dear] simultaneous client connections when using multiple processes and the Redis store, and the client has some issues that can cause it to open multiple connections to the same server, or not know that its connection has been severed.

    (tags: websockets javascript architecture fog-creek trello ajax push)

  • Log4j 2: Performance close to insane

    Nice writeup on Log4j 2’s new AsyncAppender implementation, based on the LMAX Disruptor. sounds pretty excellent:

    “One nice little detail I should mention is that both Async Loggers and Async Appenders fix something that has always bothered me in Log4j-1.x, which is that they will flush the buffer after logging the last event in the queue . With Log4j-1.x, if you used buffered I/O, you often could not see the last few log events, as they were still stuck in the memory buffer. Your only option was setting immediateFlush to true, which forces disk I/O on every single log event and has a performance impact. With Async Loggers and Appenders in Log4j-2.0 your log statements are all flushed to disk, so they are always visible, but this happens in a very efficient manner.”

    (tags: logging java performance async disruptor low-latency)

  • Chronicle

    an ultra low latency, high throughput, persisted, messaging and event driven in memory database. The typical latency is as low as 80 nano-seconds and supports throughputs of 5-20 million messages/record updates per second. This library also supports distributed, durable, observable collections (Map, List, Set) The performance depends on the data structures used, but simple data structures can achieve throughputs of 5 million elements or key/value pairs in batches (eg addAll or putAll) and 500K elements or key/values per second when added/updated/removed individually. It uses almost no heap, trivial GC impact, can be much larger than your physical memory size (only limited by the size of your disk) and can be shared between processes with better than 1/10th latency of using Sockets over loopback. It can change the way you design your system because it allows you to have independent processes which can be running or not at the same time (as no messages are lost) This is useful for restarting services and testing your services from canned data. e.g. like sub-microsecond durable messaging. You can attach any number of readers, including tools to see the exact state of the data externally.

    (tags: library messaging performance java chronicle disk mmap)

  • Stayhold

    a completely new patent pending product designed in Ireland that is going to change the way people use their cars for carrying goods.  It is a solid plastic product that grips the carpet in your car and acts as a barrier to hold loose items securely against the side wall in your car trunk or boot.
    Found out about this online — a US-based acquaintance raving about them being worth the shipping from Ireland. nice work!

    (tags: stayhold transportation cars boot gadgets toget)