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Links for 2013-06-28

  • _Measuring Mobile Web Performance_ [slides]

    Notable slide is #13, displaying a graph of HSDPA packet RTTs measured from a train. Max RTT gets up to 20,266ms. ouch

    (tags: rtt packets latency hsdpa mobile internet trains packet-loss)

  • Latest leak of EU Data Protection Regulation makes fines impossible

    Well, isn’t this convenient. The leaked proposed regulation document from the Irish EU presidency contains the following changes from current law:

    what is new is a set of prescriptive conditions which, if adopted, appears to make a Monetary Penalty Notice (MPN) almost impracticable to serve. This is because the [Data Protection] Commissioner would have consider a dozen factors (many of which will give no doubt rise to appeal). […] In addition, the fines in the Regulation require consideration of the actual damage caused; this compares unfavourably with the current MPN where large fines have been contingent on grave security errors on the part of the data controller (i.e. the MPN of the UK DPA does not need damage to data subjects – only the likelihood of substantial distress or damage which should have been preventable/foreseeable).

    (tags: data-protection law eu ec ireland privacy fines regulation mpn)

  • Google Translate of “Lorem ipsum”

    The perils of unsupervised machine learning… here’s what GTranslate reckons “lorem ipsum” translates to:

    We will be sure to post a comment. Add tomato sauce, no tank or a traditional or online. Until outdoor environment, and not just any competition, reduce overall pain. Cisco Security, they set up in the throat develop the market beds of Cura; Employment silently churn-class by our union, very beginner himenaeos. Monday gate information. How long before any meaningful development. Until mandatory functional requirements to developers. But across the country in the spotlight in the notebook. The show was shot. Funny lion always feasible, innovative policies hatred assured. Information that is no corporate Japan

    (tags: lorem-ipsum boilerplate machine-learning translation google translate probabilistic tomato-sauce cisco funny)