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Links for 2013-05-24

  • Communication costs in real-world networks

    Peter Bailis has generated some good real-world data about network performance and latency, measured using EC2 instances, between ec2 regions, between zones, and between hosts in a single AZ. good data (particularly as I was looking for this data in a public source not too long ago).

    I wasn’t aware of any datasets describing network behavior both within and across datacenters, so we launched m1.small Amazon EC2 instances in each of the eight geo-distributed “Regions,” across the three us-east “Availability Zones” (three co-located datacenters in Virginia), and within one datacenter (us-east-b). We measured RTTs between hosts for a week at a granularity of one ping per second.
    Some of the high-percentile measurements are undoubtedly impact of host and VM behaviour, but that is still good data for a typical service built in EC2.

    (tags: networks performance measurements benchmarks ops ec2 networking internet az latency)