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Links for 2013-04-28

  • Limerick-Tralee walking/cycling route blocked by farmers

    Oh for god’s sake. I know a few people who’ve made a trip to Mayo explicitly because the Greenway was there to visit. This is shocking, backwards stuff:

    The success of [Mayo’s] Great Western Greenway [trail] has overtaken that of others, such as the Great Southern Trail group, which has been working hard to install a walking and cycling route on sections of the former Limerick-Tralee railway line. On February 2nd, to mark the 50th anniversary of its closure, about 150 members and supporters of the Great Southern Trail set out from the old railway station at Abbeyfeale, Co Limerick, along the most recently developed section to cross the Kerry county boundary. The trailers were greeted by a barricade on the border, manned by more than 30 farmers, including the Listowel Fine Gael town councillor Denis Stack. A stand-off continued for three hours, with the Garda mediating in vain. The farmers were trying to lay claim to the land occupied by the disused railway line, even though Minister for Transport Leo Varadkar had made it clear that CIÉ “is the owner of the property [and] will object to any application by others to register these lands”.
    (via Rossa McMahon)

    (tags: via:rossamcmahon cycling walking hiking trails ireland kerry limerick listowel denis-stack cie)

  • jq

    like sed for JSON data – you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep and friends let you play with text. [it] is written in portable C, and it has zero runtime dependencies. You can download a single binary, scp it to a far away machine, and expect it to work.
    Nice tool. Needs to get into the Debian/Ubuntu apt repos pronto ;)

    (tags: jq tools cli via:peakscale json coding data sed unix)