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Links for 2013-02-22

  • Indymedia: It’s time to move on

    Our decision to curtail publishing on the Nottingham Indymedia site and call a meeting is an attempt to create a space for new ideas. We are not interested in continuing along the slow but certain path to total irrelevance but want to draw in new people and start off in new directions whilst remaining faithful to the underlying principles of Indymedia.

    (tags: indymedia community communication web anonymity publishing left-wing)

  • How to revert a faulty merge in git

    omgwtf, this is pretty horrific.

    (tags: merging git merge omgwtf version-control branching)

  • #AltDevBlogADay » Latency Mitigation Strategies

    John Carmack on the low-latency coding techniques used to support head mounted display devices.

    Virtual reality (VR) is one of the most demanding human-in-the-loop applications from a latency standpoint. The latency between the physical movement of a user’s head and updated photons from a head mounted display reaching their eyes is one of the most critical factors in providing a high quality experience. Human sensory systems can detect very small relative delays in parts of the visual or, especially, audio fields, but when absolute delays are below approximately 20 milliseconds they are generally imperceptible. Interactive 3D systems today typically have latencies that are several times that figure, but alternate configurations of the same hardware components can allow that target to be reached. A discussion of the sources of latency throughout a system follows, along with techniques for reducing the latency in the processing done on the host system.

    (tags: head-mounted-display display ui latency vision coding john-carmack)