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Links for 2013-02-05

  • Programming Language Checklist

    ‘You appear to be advocating a new: [ ] functional [ ] imperative [ ] object-oriented [ ] procedural [ ] stack-based [ ] “multi-paradigm” [ ] lazy [ ] eager [ ] statically-typed [ ] dynamically-typed [ ] pure [ ] impure [ ] non-hygienic [ ] visual [ ] beginner-friendly [ ] non-programmer-friendly [ ] completely incomprehensible programming language. Your language will not work. Here is why it will not work.’

    (tags: humor programming funny coding languages)

  • Jetty-9 goes fast with Mechanical Sympathy

    This is very cool! Applying Mechanical Sympathy optimization techniques to Jetty, specifically: “False sharing” on the BlockingArrayQueue data structure resolved; a new ArrayTernaryTrie data structure to improve header field storage, making it faster to build. look up, efficient on RAM, cheap to GC, and more cache-friendly than a traditional trie; and a branchless hex-to-byte conversion statement. The results are a 30%-faster microbenchmark on amd64, with 50% less Young Gen garbage collections. Lovely to see low-level infrastructure libs like Jetty getting this kind of optimization.

    (tags: jetty java mechanical-sympathy optimization coding tries)

  • Event Bars – Craft Beer

    craft beer kegs for hire in Dublin, Sligo, Limerick and Galway. Needs more Metalman, of course ;)

    (tags: beer ireland craft-beer keg-hire events parties)