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Links for 2013-01-31

  • Using Statsd and Graphite From a Rails App

    Reasonable simple, from the looks of it

    (tags: rails graphite metrics service-metrics ruby)

  • The colour of London’s commute

    Nice visualisation. ‘What the map shows is the mix of transport to work of residents living in each part of London*, using ONS data at Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) level. Each MSOA is given an RGB colour determined by the modal share, with red colours representing travel by car, taxi or motorbike, blue travel by public transport and green cycling or walking. The result is a fairly simple pattern, with motor vehicles predominating on London’s fringes, public transport in the inner suburbs and cycling and walking in the very centre. Those tendrils of blue reaching out presumably represent major public transport links.’

    (tags: data visualisation dataviz london mapping via:ldoody)