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Links for 2013-01-15

  • The Neurocritic: Fisher-Price Synesthesia

    ‘Synesthesia [jm: sic] is a rare perceptual phenomenon in which the stimulation of one sensory modality, or exposure to one type of stimulus, leads to a sensory (or cognitive) experience in a different, non-stimulated modality. For instance, some synesthetes have colored hearing while others might taste shapes. GRAPHEME-COLOR SYNESTHESIA is the condition in which individual printed letters are perceived in a specific, constant color. This occurs involuntarily and in the absence of colored font. […] A new study has identified 11 synesthetes whose grapheme-color mappings appear to be based on the Fisher Price plastic letter set made between 1972-1990.’ (via Dave Green)

    (tags: fisher-price synesthesia synaesthesia colors colours sight neuroscience brain via-dave-green toys)

  • Extreme Performance with Java – Charlie Hunt [slides, PDF]

    presentation slides for Charlie Hunt’s 2012 QCon presentation, where he discusses ‘what you need to know about a modern JVM in order to be effective at writing a low latency Java application’. The talk video is at

    (tags: low-latency charlie-hunt performance java jvm presentations qcon slides pdf)

  • Leopold’s Day Map

    ‘Bloomsday Map Of Dublin Based On Ulysses’. Beautiful! ‘The Leopold’s Day map is a stunning marriage of typography and cartography plotting all the streets alluded to by Joyce in Ulysses which were in existence on June 16th 1904. It is accompanied by a comprehensive and beautifully typeset directory with over 400 entries noting the landmarks, business and people of Dublin that were referenced in the text. The Leopold’s Day map is an exquisitely detailed, limited edition piece. It has an impressive dimension of 1000mm x 700mm which means it can also fit into a ready made frame. Price: €125.00’

    (tags: bloomsday ulysses dublin ireland maps james-joyce art prints)

  • aaw/hyperloglog-redis – GitHub

    ‘This gem is a pure Ruby implementation of the HyperLogLog algorithm for estimating cardinalities of sets observed via a stream of events. A Redis instance is used for storing the counters.’

    (tags: cardinality sets redis algorithms ruby gems hyperloglog)