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Links for 2012-12-06

  • low-gc-membuffers

    “This project aims at creating a simple efficient building block for “Big Data” libraries, applications and frameworks; thing that can be used as an in-memory, bounded queue with opaque values (sequence of JDK primitive values): insertions at tail, removal from head, single entry peeks), and that has minimal garbage collection overhead. Insertions and removals are as individual entries, which are sub-sequences of the full buffer. GC overhead minimization is achieved by use of direct ByteBuffers (memory allocated outside of GC-prone heap); and bounded nature by only supporting storage of simple primitive value (byte, `long’) sequences where size is explicitly known. Conceptually memory buffers are just simple circular buffers (ring buffers) that hold a sequence of primitive values, bit like arrays, but in a way that allows dynamic automatic resizings of the underlying storage. Library supports efficient reusing and sharing of underlying segments for sets of buffers, although for many use cases a single buffer suffices.”

    (tags: gc java jvm bytebuffer)